Dueitt Middle School Dress Code
Middle school students often want to express themselves in the form of clothing, but there are also certain standards that need to be upheld in order to maintain a orderly school environment. Dalton Middle School’s dress code is designed to promote a safe and respectful atmosphere while allowing students to dress in a fashion that still expresses their individual beauty.
What is Required Under the Dress Code?
The school’s dress code requires students to dress in appropriate attire that meets the following criteria:
• No clothing with holes, rips, or tears
• No clothing or accessories with profanity, sexual innuendo, or drug & alcohol references
• No spaghetti straps, strapless tops/dresses, racer-back tops, bare midriffs, bikini tops, tank tops or shirts with low-cut necklines
• No shorts, culottes, skorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than mid-thigh
• No sagging pants
• No hats, caps or sweat bands on during the school day.
Any clothing that does not meet the requirements of the dress code is prohibited from being worn at school.
In certain cases certain exceptions may be made. For example, clothing worn during special school events (e.g. spirit week) or in extracurricular activities (e.g. sports).
In order to ensure compliance with the dress code students may be given verbal warnings or will be asked to remove inappropriate clothing and may be given detention or suspension in severe cases.
Q: Are students allowed to wear leggings at school?
Leggings and other form-fitting bottoms are allowed as long as they are worn with an appropriate length top that covers the mid-section and buttocks.
Q: Can students wear hats or caps during the school day?
No hats or caps are allowed to be worn during the school day.
Q: Are jeans allowed under the school’s dress code?
Yes, jeans are allowed as long as they are in good condition and are not ripped, torn, or sagging.